Tomorrow! Grab your tickets NOW to celebrate ‘Community Life’ with us - with inspiring speakers, workshops, house tours and evening fun!

About Us

LoveBristol is both a church and charity.

We are based mostly in Stokes Croft but have a passion for the whole city. We are interested in supporting existing projects and setting up new ones. Our hope is to try to  love, care and support  communities across Bristol and we are committed to creating a resource that will bring about positive change for the city of Bristol and the surrounding areas. LoveBristol is a not for profit organisation supported by a combination of social enterprise, gifts and grant aided support.

It is a city project, with a leadership team and trustees with a passion for the city of Bristol and our core values are  - Community, Creativity and Care


We are People-Centred

Love, Grace and mercy expressed to each other and others around us through Friendships and support. We want to do life together, acting as family for one another, nurturing and challenging each other in a journey of faith. Hospitality, Inclusion, accountability, random acts of kindness is the flavour. Relationships with people in our local neighborhood, mutual respect and an openness about our pursuit of a life with Jesus. Committed to loving people on the margins who are often over looked, we want to invest in these friendships and offer practical support wherever we can.

We are Prayer-driven

We aspire to be a community with prayer as the foundation of all that we do and as an offering to those around us. Our first commitment is to pursue a 24-7 lifestyle of prayer, our second commitment is an open culture of prayer responding to people and circumstances with prayer and intercession.

We are Spirit-filled

A community that is filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit is alive, We need that to do what we do. We believe God is always speaking and we enjoy the twists and turns of our adventures being led by his voice, calling us into more freedom and a sacrificial lifestyle.


We are rooted in Compassion

We aim to be a community that chooses mercy over judgement, regarding each other and those around us. We aim to be a community that cares for the poor and stands up for injustice. Our commitment is to work closely with agencies that care for the homeless and marginalised. Our commitment is to seek ways which we can bless and care for our surrounding area, recognising both its beauty and challenges.




An ensemble of creative people, blessing Bristol through collaboration and synergy.

Communication through the Arts

LoveBristol aims to be a place where creative groups can come together, encourage each other, network with others and create innovative ideas that can be a blessing to Bristol.

Interaction through Events and Projects

LoveBristol aims to be an organisation that regularly hosts creative and spiritual events, and sets up social enterprises. Run by people within the community or from creative forums. We can bring about change through social enterprise and highlighting issues through art and music as well as celebrating the good times..

Involvement through work

LoveBristol aims to encourage creative entrepreneurs in good working practice and to offer workspace space for people to start new ideas and also studio space for training and teaching in the arts.




Be people who notice, want to make a difference and to be sacrificial in using the gifts and resources we have to make a difference.

Meeting people's needs

LoveBristol aims to meet the needs of people who are in need, whether its through partnership with other agencies, or our own initiatives.

Practical community improvement

LoveBristol aims to be a positive influence in its local community. It aims to look at ways to bring a better quality to life within its locality by helping out in practical ways.

Environmental action

LoveBristol aims to be conscious of the beautiful but complex eco-system we are all part of and intrinsically connected. We want to protect it and help it to flourish where we can, influencing and releasing others to take action.

Community and Consumer justice

LoveBristol aims to be supporting the justice campaigns, and commits to informing and encouraging our community of the issues that need our attention.

LoveBristol’s Community Home Fundraiser

There are three community homes located on a single street in Cotham, which are currently being sold by The George Muller Charitable Trust in order to allocate funds towards their extensive charitable work. LoveBristol and their supporters are diligently striving to secure the future of at least two of these homes for continued ministry efforts.

LoveBristol has found partners for developing eighteen more social housing spaces which we plan to use to start a volunteer-led community garden and offer befriending and training opportunities. We are seeking support to reach their funding target for the project therefore have set up a GoFundMe page to support the future of our community homes. The link below shares more details about our story.

We would appreciate all your prayers through this season.

Love and blessings,
